Texas Nursing Students' Association


How do I join?
In order to join TNSA, your school chapter must apply for constituency status through the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA). If your school is not an official constituent, contact NSNA for an application.  For more information contact NSNA by phone: or TNSA at . Visit NSNA at www.nsna.org or e-mail TNSA at .   

How do I qualify to become an active member?
Regular membership is offered to any students in Associate Degree, Diploma, Baccalaureate, generic Masters and generic Doctoral programs preparing students for Registered Nurse licensure, as well as RNs in BSN completion programs. 

Sustaining membership in NSNA is open to corporations, agencies, schools, and individuals who do not qualify as nursing students. This special membership category offers opportunities to support the goals and purposes of NSNA.

Click here to register Online for NSNA Membership (Secure)

Subscriber membership is open to anyone who supports the efforts of student nurses, and is concerned about the health care of tomorrow:  faculty, administration, medical supply companies, clergy, hospital personnel, RN's, family members, and anyone else who is affected by the health care profession.

Download Subscriber Membership Application:

MS Word   Rich Text Format   PDF

What's in it for me?
As a member of TNSA and NSNA you are entitled to may benefits:

  • Delegate representation in the annual House of Delegates at both the TNSA and NSNA convention.
  • Eligible to submit resolutions to the TNSA and NSNA House of Delegates.
  • Eligible for contests, awards, and scholarships at the local, state and national level.
  • Affiliated with the largest nursing student association in the United States and the largest state association.
  • Networking opportunities with students across the state and country along with nursing leaders and specialty nurses.
  • A year's subscription to Imprint, the only magazine published by nursing students for nursing students.
  • Eligible to attend Council of Schools and State Convention.


What are the dues?                                                                               

Membership in NSNA is either a one or two-year membership, beginning the day you become a  member.                                

New member:  $40.00       Renewal:  $45.00    Two-years:  $80.00

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