Texas Nursing Students' Association
Please Contact Pat Pollock at to update your chapter information.


A TNSA constituent is any school chapter in a state-approved program preparing students for licensure as registered nurses that meets the annual constituency requirements detailed below. Only TNSA constituents may be represented in the TNSA House of Delegates, and only TNSA constituents qualify for prizes and awards issued by TSNA.


Schools become TNSA constituents when they submit the Official Application for TNSA Constituency Status (the “application”) and membership data verifies a minimum of 5 TNSA members at the school on a date eight weeks prior to the first meeting of the Annual House of Delegates. Schools with enrollment under 15 must notify the TNSA office directly with a letter of verification by the dean or director of the program. The application contains the areas of conformity listed in the Bylaws. By submitting this, schools agree to abide by these areas of conformity by incorporating them into their own bylaws. Elected school officers are responsible for signing and submitting the application.

Constituent Forms:

Printable Application:  Download Here

Printable Constituent Officer Form:  Download Here

If you have questions please call the TNSA office at: or or e-mail

Click the name of each region for a list of current Institutions, Chapter Presidents, and e-mail addresses.  Click on the Director's name to e-mail that Regional Director.

Region  Director
 Northern Region
 Southern Region
 Eastern Region
 Western Region