We would like to hear from your school! Let us know the latest news from your nursing department, and we will feature it in our next issue of the Central Line. Contact the Editor, Karee Carter at with your information.
TNSA Social Media Policy
Who are we?
Texas Nursing Students' Association, Inc. (TNSA) is a student nursing association dedicated to promoting professionalism and leadership for today's students. We represent over 3,000 student nurses from across the state preparing for initial licensure as registered nurses.
To provide the highest education for student nurses while aiding in the development of the whole person. To have direct input into the standards on nursing education and influence on the education process. To model a high level of integrity among students in their dealings with people as they strive for excellence in everything they do, as it is an expectation and not a goal.
TNSA Pins!
To order your official TNSA pin, please send a check or money order for $20 per pin to:
TNSA, Inc.
P.O. Box 763877
Dallas, TX 75376
Attention: Pat Pollock
Please include your name, address, telephone number, and number of pins with your order.